(426) Bird Hud-Hud told Hazrat Sulaiman that “The Queen Balqees and her followers had been worshiping?
- a) Stars
- b) Sun
- c) Moon
- d) Idols
(427) Meaning of Surah Al A’raaf is ?
- a) Border land between Heaven and Hell
- b) Place in the Hell
- c) Place in the Heaven
- d) None of these
(428) The dead body of Muslim male is wrapped in three sheets, female is coffined in how many sheets ?
- a) Five Sheets
- b) Four Sheets
- c) Three Sheets
- d) Seven Sheets
(429) When did Imam Abu Hanifa die?
- a) 170 Hijri
- b) 160 Hijri
- c) 150 Hijri
- d) 180 Hijri
(430) Who destroyed idol “Al-Uzza”?
- a) Umar Ibn Alas R.A
- b) Hazrat Ali R.A
- c) Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid R.A
- d) Hazrat Umer R.A
(431) Which Surah of the Qur’an contains the word Allah in every verse?
- a) Surah Muhammad
- b) Surah Mujadilah
- c) Surah Rehman
- d) None of these
(432) Examples of Ijma as a slurp of Islamic Law?
- a) Traweeh prayer
- b) Compilation of Holy Quran
- c) Azan for Juma prayer
- d) All of above
(433) First Mujadid was Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Who was the second one?
- a) Ahmad Sirhindi
- b) Imam Ghizali
- c) Ibn-e- Taimya
- d) Shah Waliullah
(434) The Battle of Camel was fought at ?
- a) Kufa Page 26 of 61
- b) Makkah
- c) Madina
- d) Basra
(435) In which timings the Namaz is prohibited?
- a) Sun at the mid
- b) Sun setting
- c) Sun rising
- d) All of these
(436) The downfall of the Ummayyads in Damascus happened in ?
- a) 150 A.H
- b) 132 A.H
- c) 125 A.H
- d) 105 A.H
(437) When did the Shaikh al Islam Hazrat Khwaja Abdullah Ansari of Herat also known as “Pir- i Herat ” was born ?
- a) 5. June 1007
- b) 4 May 1006
- c) 3 April 1005
- d) 6 July 1008
(438) Out of the copies of the Qur’an compiled by Usman (Radhiallahu Anhu),how many are present?
- a) 3
- b) 2
- c) 1
- d) 4
(439) After the death of Hazrat Zaid Bin Harith (RA), the leader of the Muslim army was in the battle of Mota.
- a) Hazrat Bilal (RA)
- b) Hazrat Umar (RA)
- c) Hazrat Ja’far ibn Abi Talib (RA)
- d) Hazrat Usman (RA)
(440) What Is Meaning Of Tawheed?
- a) Testimony
- b) Purity
- c) Oneness
- d) Galorification
(441) What was the miracle given to Hazrat Isa (AS) by Allah?
- a) Cutting the Moon in half
- b) Moving the Mountains
- c) Reviving the Dead
- d) Giving voice to dumb
(442) What is the meaning of Quranic surah”Al- Asr”?
- a) The unity
- b) The Hell
- c) Time
- d) None
(443) Arbeen is the book of Hadith in which there are Hadith?
- a) 20 Hadith
- b) 50 Hadith
- c) 40 Hadith
- d) 30 Hadith
(444) Which member of Ashra Mubashara was given the title of Amin-ul-Ummat?
- a) Hazrat Abdur Rehman Bin Auf(RA)
- b) Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas(RA)
- c) Hazrat Abu- Ubaidah Bin Al-Jirrah(RA)
- d) HAzrat Saeed Bin Zaid(RA)
(445) Hajr (رجح) was old city which served as capital of Province “Al-Yamamah”, the modern name of this city is ?
- a) Abha
- b) Dammam
- c) Riyadh
- d) Al-Qatif
(446) For how many years Hazart Naoh (A.S) lived ?
- a) 1950
- b) 750
- c) 550
- d) 950
(447) At whose request , Hazart Abu Bakar ( R.A) entrusted the task of compilation of the holy Quran to Zaid bin Sabit (R.A) ?
- a) Hazart Umer (R.A)
- b) Hazart Usman ( R.A)
- c) Hazart Ali ( R.A)
- d) Hazart Abu Bakar ( R.A)
(448) How many Sunnah’s are in four obligations of Ablution?
- a) 18
- b) 13
- c) 10
- d) 15
(449) The Title given to the pioneers of Islam was ?
- a) Al-awwalun
- b) Muslimoon al Awwalun
- c) Mushahidoon al Awwalum
- d) Assabiqoon al Awwalun
(450) was the carpenter ?
- a) Hazrat Zakirya
- b) Hazrat Issa a.s
- c) Hazrat Moosa a.s
- d) None of these
(451) Doors of Hell are ?
- a) 07
- b) 06
- c) 05
- d) 08