(376) First Aayat of Holy Quraan are called Tawwal?
- a) Six
- b) Four
- c) Three
- d) Seven
(377) Name the Ummul-Mumineen who have narrated about 2210 Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh)?
- a) Hazrat Khadijah (Radi-Allahu Anha)
- b) Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa (Radi-Allahu Anha)
- c) Hazrat Hifsa (Radi- Allahu Anha)
- d) Hazrat Zainib (Radi- Allahu Anha)
(378) The Pre-Islamic era is known as ?
- a) Golden age
- b) Age of ignorance
- c) Modern age
- d) none
(379) was the hardest form of revelation?
- a) Ringing Bells
- b) Behind the Curtain
- c) In form of Dreams
- d) None of these
(380) How many times has the Qur’an emphasized on alms or charity?
- a) 160 times
- b) 150 times
- c) 140 times
- d) 170 times
(381) In which Surah the name of Allah is repeated in every verse?
- a) Sura Al- Haj
- b) Sura Lael
- c) Surah Mujadala
- d) Sura Hamzah
(382) when the first Sariya was fought in Rabakh in ?
- a) 3. A.H
- b) 2 A.H
- c) 1. A.H
- d) 4 A.H
(383) In Naml two bismillah occur (2nds one is at aayat no: )
- a) 30 Page 23 of 61
- b) 25
- c) 20
- d) 35
(384) Hazart Ali (R.A) married Hazart Fatma (R.A) in ?
- a) 624 A.D
- b) 623 A.D
- c) 622 A.D
- d) 625 A.D
(385) When for the first time Nimaz-e-kisoof was offered ?
- a) 6 A.H
- b) 5 A.H
- c) 4 A.H
- d) 7 A.H
(386) Tawaf Al-Qudum is ?
- a) Wajib
- b) Farz
- c) Nafil
- d) Sunnat
(387) Mabroor Hajj means ?
- a) which is observed correctly
- b) which is not accepted
- c) which is accepted
- d) which is performed with deficiencies
(388) What is the meaning of Zarb-e-Azb?
- a) Fast Strike & Sharp
- b) Swift & Sharp Strike
- c) Long Strike & Swift
- d) Sharp & Cutting Strike
(389) There are 3 Farz, 10 sunnat and wajibat in Hajj.
- a) 9
- b) 11
- c) 13
- d) 6
(390) Which surah of the Holy Quran starts with two fruits name?
- a) Surah At- Teen
- b) Surah An- Nisa
- c) Surah Imran
- d) Surah Hud
(391) Who are not entitled to get Zakat?
- a) Brother, Nephew and children
- b) Uncle, Sister, and Hisband
- c) Parents, Husband, wife and children
- d) Parents, brother and wife
(392) were the sons of Hazrat Ibrahim (AH).
- a) Hazrat Ismail & Hazrat Ishaq (AH)
- b) Hazrat Haroon & Hazrat Ishaq (AH)
- c) Hazrat Ismail & Hazrat Haroon (AH)
- d) None
(393) No of Kufars (Non Muslims Forces) in Battle of Badr were .
- a) 1200
- b) 1100
- c) 1000
- d) 1300
(394) The most disliked thing by Allah Ta’ala is .
- a) Marriage
- b) Backbiting
- c) Murder
- d) Divorce
(395) 27 attributes of Allah, mentioned in Surah.
- a) Rahman
- b) Ma’ida
- c) Yaseen
- d) Hadeed
(396) How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start with Al-Hamdulillah?
- a) Six
- b) Five
- c) Four
- d) Seven
(397) Which is eighth month of Islamic Calendar?
- a) Rabi-ul- Awwal
- b) Ramzan
- c) Shaban
- d) Jamadi-us- Sani
(398) In which Surah of the Holy Quran, the regulations for prisoners of war mentioned?
- a) Nisa
- b) Al- Imran
- c) Baqara
- d) Insan
(399) The function of fasting is .
- a) To Help the poor
- b) To Provide Comfort to the Society
- c) To Make the Sacrifice of Body and Soul
- d) To create peace in the Society
(400) Which Ayat of Surah Al-Baqarah describes the obligation of soam?
- a) 82
- b) 81
- c) 80
- d) 183