(601) The amount of energy in wheat is ?
- A. 100 K Calories/10 0 gram
- B. 245 K Calories/10 0 gram
- C. 348 K Calories/10 0 gram
- D. 490 K Calories/10 0 gram
(602) The muscles, tissues and blood all are made up of ?
- A. Carbohydra te
- B. Proteins
- C. Vitamins
- D. Fats
(603) Which type of motions are present in solid?
- A. translationa l
- B. rotational
- C. vibrational
- D. all of these
(604) Bleaching powder contains ?
- A. Nitrogen
- B. Iodine
- C. Chlorine
- D. Bromine
(605) First Atomic theory was proposed by?
- A. John Dalton
- B. E.Rutherfor d
- C. De Broglie
- D. D.I.Mendele ef
(606) The reaction between methane and chlorine in diffused sunlight is ?
- A. Oxidation
- B. Reduction
- C. Polymerisati on
- D. Radical substitution
(607) Through which organ does a fish respire?
- A. Nose
- B. Lungs
- C. Gills
- D. Fins
(608) In the treatment of which disease is dialysis used?
- A. Ulcers
- B. Heart failure
- C. Kidney failure
- D. Brain tumour
(609) The sounds of which frequency are human beings most sensitive?
- A. 400 hertz
- B. 20 hertz
- C. 20000 hertz
- D. 5000 hertz
(610) “COTTON” is grown on ?
- A. Black soil
- B. Red Soil
- C. Regur Soil
- D. Alluvial Sea
(611) Nephology is study of ?
- A. Knowledge
- B. Clouds
- C. Rain
- D. None
(612) Tetanus is caused by ?
- A. Clostridium
- B. Virus
- C. Bacteriopha ge
- D. Salmonella
(613) The brain of human adult weighs about ?
- A. 1200 – 1300 gm
- B. 1600 – 2000 gm
- C. 500 – 800 gm
- D. 100 – 200 gm
(614) Rearing of honey bees for honey production is called?
- A. Sericulture
- B. Apiculture
- C. Viticulture
- D. Bees culture
(615) What is the first element in the periodic table?
- A. Hydrogen
- B. Helium
- C. Nitrogen
- D. Carbon
(616) Tooth decay is caused by?
- A. Salt
- B. Sugar
- C. Calcium
- D. Formalin
(617) Soap is ?
- A. Acid
- B. Chemical
- C. Powder
- D. Salt
(618) 746 watts are equivalent to ?
- A. 1 Joule
- B. 1 erg
- C. 1HP
- D. 1 poise
(619) Science which deals with the position and movement of heavenly bodies ?
- A. Astrophysic s
- B. Astronomy
- C. Astrology
- D. Astronautic s
(620) Most of the weather phenomena take place in which of the following layers of the atmosphere?
- A. Mesospher e
- B. Ionosphere
- C. Stratospher e
- D. Tropospher e
(621) The matter of our sun is in state?
- A. Liquid
- B. Gas
- C. Solid
- D. Plasma
(622) Silicon is an example of ?
- A. No- conductor
- B. Semiconduc tor
- C. Super Conductor
- D. None of these
(623) The blind spot is located at the of the eye ?
- A. pupil
- B. vitreous humor
- C. aqueous humor
- D. optic disc
(624) Guava has the maximum amount of which Vitamin?
- A. vitamin K
- B. vitamin B
- C. vitamin C
- D. vitamin D
(625) The lenses are used for the correction of: ? Page 41 o
- A. Long- sightedness f 65
- B. short sightedness
- C. Both A & B
- D. None of those