(651) Red blood cells are produced in ?
- A. Liver
- B. Heart
- C. Spleen
- D. Bone- marrow
(652) Bt seed is associated with: ?
- A. Rice
- B. Wheat
- C. Cotton
- D. Oilseed
(653) By which hormone High Blood Sugar level can be controlled in stomach?
- A. Glucose
- B. Insulin
- C. Thyroxin
- D. Non- Apinefreen
(654) Carbon,Diamond and Graphite are together called: ?
- A. Allotrope
- B. Isomers
- C. Isomorphs
- D. Isotopes
(655) Which of the following disease affects the skin ?
- A. Rickets
- B. Osteoporosi s
- C. Anemia
- D. Pellagra
(656) Identify the blackest fish in the oceans?
- A. Black Seafish
- B. Black Dragon fish
- C. Black Sea Horse
- D. Black Gillfish
(657) For the generation of biogas, the materials commonly used are ?
- A. Animal wastes
- B. Forest residues
- C. Aquatic plants
- D. None of these
(658) For a fixed mass of gass at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the pressure will ?
- A. also decrease
- B. increase
- C. remains constant
- D. none of these
(659) Each day human body breathe in liters of air.
- A. 5,000 to 10,000
- B. 10,000 to 15,000
- C. 15,000 to 20,000
- D. 20,000 to 25,000
(660) Instrument used for measuring very high temperature is ? Page 43 o
- A. Pyroscope f 65
- B. Pyrometer
- C. Seismograp h
- D. Xylometer
(661) Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the ?
- A. Gain of Electrons
- B. Loss of Electrons
- C. Gain of Protons
- D. Loss of Protons
(662) According to Big Bang Theory, the Universe began about billion years ago.
- A. 10 – 20
- B. 20 – 30
- C. 30 – 40
- D. 40 – 50
(663) Meteorology is the study of?
- A. Seasons
- B. Atmospher e
- C. Air and sounds
- D. Winds and clouds
(664) The instrument used to measure wind speed is?
- A. Anemomet er
- B. Barometer
- C. Hydrometer
- D. Hygrometer
(665) The device used to convert Alternate Current into Direct Current is called?
- A. Anemomet er
- B. Battery
- C. Galvanomet er
- D. Rectifier
(666) Humming bird belongs to a category called ?
- A. Ectotherm
- B. Endotherm
- C. Exotherm
- D. Heterother m.
(667) Person with following blood group are considered to be universal recipient ?
- A. A+
- B. B+
- C. AB+
- D. O+
(668) Which form of drug abuse involves most risk of infection with the HIV (AIDS) virus ?
- A. Cigarette smoking
- B. Using alcholo
- C. Injection of heroine
- D. Taking too much aspirin
(669) Which of the following is most elastic ?
- A. Steel
- B. Rubber
- C. Glass
- D. Sponge
(670) The number of spark plugs needed in a diesel engine is ?
- A. 2
- B. 3
- C. 0
- D. 4
(671) Ozone layer prevents radiation from entering the atmosphere?
- A. Infra-red
- B. Ultraviolet
- C. X-rays
- D. Gamma rays
(672) In winter an iron pipe feel colder than a wooden window . This is because wood is ?
- A. Conductor
- B. Non- Conductor
- C. Semi- Conductor
- D. Not a solid while iron is a solid
(673) The temperature of the dead body is ?
- A. 0 ‘C
- B. 37 ‘
- C. Room Temperatur e
- D. Temperatur e of the place where it is kept
(674) The instrument which i specially design for recording earth quake wave is called seismograph which measure earth quake waves on a ?
- A. Diatonic scale
- B. Fahrenheit Scale
- C. Richter scale
- D. Celsius Scale
(675) What is the main component of bones and teeth?
- A. Calcium carbonate
- B. Calcium phosphate
- C. Calcium sulphate
- D. Calcium nitrate