(151) Synonym of “pococurante” is .
- A. native
- B. hot
- C. blase
- D. hidden
(152) Synonym of “prevalent” is .
- A. wind
- B. servile
- C. widespread
- D. rare
(153) Synonym of “sacrosanct” is .
- A. prayer
- B. sanctuary
- C. pious
- D. sacred
(154) Synonym of “forthwith” is ?
- A. by chance
- B. straightforw ard
- C. with excess vigour
- D. immediately
(155) Synonym of “condiment” is ?
- A. sugar
- B. salad
- C. meat-dish
- D. relish
(156) Synonym of “ingenuous” is ?
- A. artificial
- B. clever
- C. cunning
- D. naive
(157) Synonym of “temper” is ?
- A. trial
- B. mood
- C. synchronizati on
- D. extremity
(158) Synonym of “bolster” is ?
- A. to brag
- B. rest on
- C. support
- D. straddle
(159) Synonym of “misanthropy” is ?
- A. hatred
- B. generosity
- C. vivacity
- D. miserliness
(160) Synonym of “collation” is ?
- A. corresponde nce
- B. light meal
- C. witty conversation
- D. detailed account
(161) Synonym of “plenary” is ?
- A. timely
- B. combined
- C. florid
- D. full
(162) Synonym of “abet” is ?
- A. wager
- B. reduce in volume
- C. encourage
- D. haggle
(163) Synonym of “umbrage” is ?
- A. offense
- B. shelter
- C. peaceful attitude
- D. leave
(164) Synonym of “attrition” is ?
- A. concentratio
- B. regret
- C. attitude
- D. abrasion
(165) Synonym of “tango” is ?
- A. tropic fruit
- B. outburst
- C. desperate situation
- D. a dance
(166) Synonym of “endow” is ?
- A. to approve
- B. immobilize
- C. embark
- D. provide
(167) Synonym of “plebiscite” is ?
- A. militant youth
- B. common people
- C. minority representati
- D. direct popular vote
(168) Synonym of “ferret” is ?
- A. conceal
- B. weigh
- C. disperse
- D. search
(169) Synonym of “hover” is ?
- A. to remain in the air above one spot
- B. shake or move gently
- C. cover carefully
- D. submerge
(170) Synonym of “tepid” is ?
- A. embarrassed
- B. equatorial
- C. transported
- D. lukewarm
(171) Synonym of “congruent” is ?
- A. energetic
- B. crude
- C. contrary
- D. coinciding
(172) Synonym of “haggard” is ?
- A. witty
- B. irascible
- C. gaunt
- D. sluggish
(173) Synonym of “vapid” is ?
- A. steamy
- B. helter skelter
- C. lively
- D. boring
(174) Synonym of “variegate” is ?
- A. reply-in- kind
- B. multi- color
- C. differ
- D. reject
(175) Synonym of “saturnine” is ?
- A. temperate
- B. gloomy
- C. astronomic
- D. hopeful