One word substitutes
(1) Choose the most suitable word: An office or post with no work but high pay:
- A. Honorary
- B. Sinecure
- C. Gratis
- D. Ex-Officio
(2) secretly listening to a conversation is called ?
- A. Eavesdrop
- B. Overhearing
- C. Pigeonholing
- D. Spying
(3) A long poem narrating achievements of a hero or legendary figures is known as ?
- A. Epic
- B. Elegy
- C. Ode
- D. Sestina
(4) The offence of marrying someone while already married to another person is known as ?
- A. Bigamy
- B. Coupe
- C. Bigot
- C. Biped
(5) action of killing King is called ?
- A. regicide
- B. suicide
- C. patricide
- D. parricide
(6) Violation of something holy or sacred is?
- A. profanity
- B. sedition
- C. sacrilege
- D. slander
(7) Hard to understand is?
- A.
- B. obtuse
- C. absurd
- D. abstruse
(8) One who has obstinate and narrow religious views is ?
- A. fanatic
- B. theologian
- C. bigot
- D. egotist
(9) One who does not follow the usual rules of social life is called ?
- A. egoist
- B. frank
- C. bohemian
- D. reveille
(10) A disease that spreads over a large area:
- A. Academic
- B. Epidemic
- C. Incorrigible
- D. Invincible
(11) International destruction of racial groups:
- A. Matricide
- B. Regicide
- C. Genocide
- D. Homicide
(12) Story of old time gods or heroes is:
- A. Lyric
- B. Epic
- C. Legend
- D. Romance
(13) Through which light cannot pass?
- A. Dull
- B. Dark
- C. Obscure
- D. Opaque
(14) A disease that is liable to be transmitted to people through the environment is known as ?
- A. Contagious
- B. Infectious
- C. Fatal
- D. Incurable
(15) A form of written language for blind people is known as ?
- A. Braille
- B. Elysium
- C. Epicure
- D. Arson
(16) A large enclosure for confining birds is known as ?
- A. Aviary
- B. Columbary
- C. Volary
- D. All of the above
(17) Fear of closed places:
- A. Claustropho
- B. Misogynist
- C. Ambidextrou
- D. Philanthropy
(18) Living at the same time is?
- A. concurrent
- B. contemporar
- C. coincident
- D. concomitant
(19) The study of ancient writings is?
- A. annals
- B. paleographic
- C. calligraphy
- D. archeology
(20) Specialised in nose disease is?
- A. rhinologist
- B. philologist
- C. endocrinolog
- D. gerontologist
(21) One who walks on ropes is called .
- A. Aviator
- B. Acrobat
- C. Funambuli st
- D. Upholster er
(22) That which can never be believed:
- A. Irrevocable
- B. Inevitable
- C. Incredible
- D. Irritable
(23) A remedy for all diseases:
- A. Narcotics
- B. Antiseptic
- C. Panacea
- D. Lyric
(24) A lady’s umbrella is:
- A. Parasol
- B. Granary
- C. Epitaph
- D. Aviary
(25) A leady who remains unmarried?
- A. Bachelor
- B. Misanthrope
- C. Spinster
- D. None of these