(351) Synonym of “impoverish” is ?
- A. oppress
- B. be unthrifty
- C. punish
- D. make poor
(352) Synonym of “abut” is ?
- A. strike
- B. border on
- C. cut
- D. protrude
(353) Synonym of “abound” is ?
- A. be plentiful
- B. tie up
- C. bounce
- D. spread out
(354) Synonym of “pneumatic” is ?
- A. pertaining
- B. automatic
- C. sick
- D. elastic
(355) Synonym of “immolate” is ?
- A. to surround
- B. baptize
- C. vandalize
- D. sacrifice
(356) Synonym of “supplant” is ?
- A. to bury
- B. stand by
- C. displace
- D. work under
(357) Synonym of “bonanza” is ?
- A. fish fry
- B. windfall
- C. blessing
- D. dessert
(358) Synonym of “contagion” is ?
- A. concealment
- B. an infecting
- C. worrisome
- D. lack of concern
(359) Synonym of “inundate” is ?
- A. conquer
- B. surrender
- C. flood
- D. destroy
(360) Synonym of “pronto” is ?
- A. precisely
- B. languidly
- C. quickly
- D. urgently
(361) Synonym of “effigy” is ?
- A. proxy
- B. profundity
- C. boldness
- D. exit
(362) Synonym of “felicitous” is ?
- A. misleading
- B. graceless
- C. appropriate
- D. egotistical
(363) Synonym of “staid” is ?
- A. unkempt
- B. remaining
- C. sedate
- D. afraid
(364) Synonym of “paroxysm” is ?
- A. spasm
- B. furor
- C. paralysis
- D. fear
(365) Synonym of “unequaled” is ?
- A. outstanding
- B. different
- C. praised
- D. unique
(366) Synonym of “virago” is ?
- A. tirade
- B. chastity
- C. shrew
- D. wanton
(367) Synonym of “syllogism” is ?
- A. harmony
- B. word division
- C. sensible observation
- D. reasoning method
(368) Synonym of “vestige” is ?
- A. hope
- B. trace
- C. under- garment
- D. hallway
(369) Synonym of “professedly” is ?
- A. ostensibly
- B. cruelly
- C. bravely
- D. pedantically
(370) Synonym of “abettor” is ?
- A. author
- B. slaughter- house
- C. encourager
- D. factor
(371) Synonym of Slap is ?
- A. Drop of water
- B. Hit
- C. Vegetable
- D. Journey
(372) Synonym of ” Boulevard ” is ?
- A. Turmoil
- B. Turbulence
- C. Avenue
- D. Whirlpool
(373) Synonym of ” Tyrant ” is ?
- A. Chatter box
- B. Persecuter
- C. Victim
- D. Sagacious
(374) Synonym of PARAGON is ?
- A. Model
- B. Virtue
- C. Square
- D. None
(375) Synonym of Abstinence?
- A.
- B. Sobriety
- C.
- D. All of