One word substitutes
(51) One who is present everywhere is known as ?
- A. Omnipotent
- B. Omniscient
- C. Omnipresen t
- D. None of the above
(52) the killing of one’s mother called ?
- A. matricide
- B. parricide
- C. regicide
- D. patricide
(53) Practice of employing spies in war is?
- A. esplande
- B. espadrille
- C. estrangemen
- D. espionage
(54) That never fails is?
- A. irrelevant
- B. infallible
- C. indelible
- D. inaudible
(55) Which is bound to be done is?
- A. soliloquy
- B. indispensabl
- C. sinecure
- D. indelible
(56) An emolument over and above fixed income or salary is?
- A. honorarium
- B. sinecure
- C. prerogative
- D. perquisite
(57) A person who is unable to pay his debts is called .
- A. Borrower
- B. Insolvent
- C. Lender
- D. Allen
(58) An independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute:
- A. Arbiter
- B. Mediator
- C. Agent provocateur
- D. Arbitrator
(59) A person who is indifferent to pains and pleasure of life:
- A. Stoic
- B. Sadist
- C. Psychiatrist
- D. Aristocrat
(60) A hater of knowledge and learning:
- A. Bibliophile
- B. Philologist
- C. Misogynist
- D. Misologist
(61) One who lacks knowledge ?
- A. Intelligent
- B. Ignorant
- C. Credulous
- D. Colleague
(62) The action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats is known as ?
- A. Coercion
- B. Conviction
- C. Confession
- D. Cajolement
(63) Something which is incapable of being seen through is known as ?
- A. Non- transparent
- B. Blurred
- C. Opaque
- D. All of the above
(64) killing of a large group of people called ?
- A. filicide
- B. fratricide
- C. genocide
- D. homicide
(65) A broad road bordered with trees is?
- A. boudoir
- B. boulevard
- C. avenue
- D. façade
(66) That which is out of place is?
- A. anachronistic
- B. obsolete
- C. incongruous
- D. archaic
(67) Matter written by hand is?
- A. handwritten
- B. manuscript
- C. proof
- D. amnesty
(68) The doctor known as an eye-specialist is?
- A. orthodontist
- B. orthopedist
- C. ophthalmolo gist
- D. obstetrician
(69) Fear of heights is ?
- A. Highphobia
- B. Altophobia
- C. Heliophobia
- D. Acrophobia
(70) One who has good taste for food:
- A. Gourmet
- B. Curator
- C. Parasite
- D. Stoic
(71) The murder of Brother:
- A. Homicide
- B. Regicide
- C. Fratricide
- D. Suicide
(72) One who abandons his religious faith:
- A. Apostate
- B. Prostate
- C. Profane
- D. Agnostic
(73) A part of a word that can be pronounced separately ?
- A. Particle
- B. Sibilant
- C. Syllable
- D. Letter
(74) A narrow piece of land connecting two large masses of land is known as ?
- A. Gulf
- B. Isthmus
- C. Peninsula
- D. Continent
(75) Something which is capable of being seen through is known as ?
- A. Opaque
- B. Coarse
- C. Ambiguous
- D. Transparent