(276) To use your keyboard instead of the mouse to select tools on the ribbon, you display the Key Tips by pressing the key?
- A. Alt
- B. Ctrl
- C. Shift+Enter
- D. Alt+Enter
(277) Ctrl + Q Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to ?
- A. Paragraph formatting (Line Space and Paragraph Space)
- B. Close Word Application without saving Document
- C. Print Whole Document without confirmation
- D. Does nothing
(278) Ctrl + P Shortcut key is used in Ms Word to ?
- A. Open Paragraph Dialog Box
- B. Open Page Format Dialog Box
- C. Open Save Dialog Box
- D. Open Print Dialog box
(279) A character that is raised and smaller above the base line is known as?
- A. Outline
- B. Raised
- C. Subscript
- D. Superscript
(280) Ctrl + A Shortcut key is used in Ms Word to ?
- A. Align Right
- B. Select All
- C. Change font
- D. Save document
(281) Ctrl + L Shortcut key is used in Microsoft Word to ?
- A. Left Align
- B. Left Indent
- C. Increase Left Margin
- D. Decrease Left Margin
(282) By default, on which page the header or the footer is printed in Ms Word Document?
- A. on first page
- B. on alternate page
- C. on every page
- D. none of the above
(283) switching between portrait and landscape modes involves the ?
- A. header and footer toolbar
- B. print layout view
- C. page setup dialog box
- D. none of the above
(284) What is the shortcut-key for manual line break?
- A. CTRL + Enter
- B. Alt + Enter
- C. Shift + Enter
- D. Space + Enter
(285) Which corner of the Word window has the zoom control?
- A. upper-left
- B. upper-right
- C. lower-left
- D. lower-right
(286) Which key deletes the character to the left of the cursor?
- A. End
- B. Backspace
- C. Home
- D. Delete
(287) are types of wizards and templates in the Resume Wizard dialog box.
- A. Standard, Contemporary, and Sophisticated
- B. Professional, Contemporary, and Elegant
- C. Formatted, Unformatted, and Graphic
- D. Basic, Comprehensive , and Formatted
(288) What is a Document Outline View in Ms Word?
- A. A preview in a full screen
- B. A preview with margins
- C. A View with a margins and gutter
- D. A view with a structure of heading at various levels
(289) Changing the appearance of a document is called ?
- A. Proofing
- B. Editing
- C. Formatting
- D. All of above
(290) In MS Word Ctrl+Shift+C is shortkey of: ?
- A. Copy
- B. Indent Left
- C. Paste
- D. Copy Format Painter
(291) Virus is the word of which language?
- A. English
- B. Latin
- C. Greek
- D. None of These
(292) How do you create speaker note pages that show the slides, related notes, and your company logo on each page?
- A. Edit the notes master and add your company logy
- B. Edit the slide master and insert your company logo and notes pane
- C. Edit the handout master to include your company logo and one slide per page with additional note space
- D. All of the above
(293) Which of the following should be used when you want to add a slide to an existing presentation?
- A. File, add a new slide
- B. Insert, New slide
- C. File Open
- D. File, New
(294) In Microsoft PowerPoint the entry effect as one slide replaces another in a show is called a (an) ?
- A. animation
- B. slide transition
- C. custom animation
- D. preset animation
(295) To select one hyperlink after another during a slide presentation, what do you press?
- A. Tab
- B. Ctrl + K
- C. Ctrl + h
- D. All of above
(296) in PowerPoint If you select Insert >> Picture >> From File
- A. You can insert pictures and clipArts
- B. You can insert clipArts only
- C. You can insert pictures only
- D. None of above
(297) Which of the following is not a way to cut ext?
- A. Select the text and press the delete button
- B. Select the text and select Edit, Cut from the menu
- C. Select the text and click the Cut button on the toolbar
- D. Select the text and press Ctrl + X
(298) Which key on the keyboard can be used to view slide show in Ms PowerPoint?
- A. F1
- B. F2
- C. F5
- D. F10
(299) Which of the following are actions you can assign to an action button or slide object?
- A. Run a macro
- B. Play a sound
- C. Hyper link
- D. All of above
(300) We can remove / hide border of a shape by selecting ?
- A. No Line
- B. No Outline
- C. White Line
- D. No Border